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융자나라 private loan, cashout refi, commercial, 차압매물융자
등록일 : 08-01-2024 조회수 : 77 관심글


지역 : Los Angeles County/ CA 직종 : 법률, 세무,변호사

주택담보 하드마니론 3일안에 에스크로에스 펀딩
크레딧첵 없음 이자 1차 10% 2차 12.99% 3차 16.99%
차압, 뱅크럽시한분도OK (오직 에쿼티 70%만 있으면 됩니다)

상가 빌딩융자 캐쉬아웃 전문

 주택구입 모기지융자 No Down 프로그램 있습니다

SBA 론: 비지네스구매시 10% 다운하고 구입, 부동산 같이 구매시 Piggybag loan 가능
너무나 쉬운 SMALL비지네스 운영자금 융자(이자8.5%) 최대 5만불까지

크레딧첵 안함, 뱅크럽시한분도OK
1차(10%이자) 2차(12.99%이자) 3차(16.99%이자)
크레딧580점이상이면 됩니다
상가 빌딩융자 1M-5M cashout 가능합니다

tel & text:213-505-0195 email: info@algiinvestment.com



Our goal is to lend when the banks cannot get the job done;

Here is a quick synopsis on the types of deals we can help with:

The Turbo Close: 48 hour to 6 business day close (need prelim / title commitment readily available).

Deal types: Cash-out Refinances of Owner-occupied properties, bank or construction loans coming due and existing lenders not extending. Purchase of value-add projects or distressed assets. 1031 exchange timelines, foreclosure bailouts, cross-collateralization across state lines, and more!

SBA: We finance up to 90% of purchase price on an SBA504, refinances depend.. call us.
Requirements: No minimum credit, no occupancy requirements, no DTI calculations, no DSCRs needed, Owner-occupied or investment, just need real estate as collateral.

Property Types: Industrial, office, restaurants / retail, gas stations, strip clubs, cannabis properties, funeral homes, senior care facilities, residential 1-4 units, non-conforming, unwarrantable condos, mixed-use, certain infill lots in good areas, and special use property types. Don’t be afraid to run it by us if it’s funky!

Property Conditions: Vacant, non-income producing, environmental issues under the Brownsfield Act, code violations, abatements, run it by us and we will let you know if we can do it!

Borrowers: Irrevocable Trusts, Self-Directed Retirement Accounts, Foreign Nationals, ITIN borrowers, Individuals, Entities, Power of Attorney, Non-Profits, and more!

Hairy deals: Notice of defaults, forbearance, foreclosure bailouts, distressed assets, certain BKs, red tags, vacant, code violations, abatements, dilapidated properties, what are you working on?
Term: 3+ months interest-only to 20 years fully-amortized.
Loan Amounts: $100K to $
We lend in: Nationwide
Find out about our Loan Programs!
3731 Wilshire Bl. Los Angeles CA 90010
Text: 213-841-0657
DRE #01132013
NMLS #02205943

회사 정보

ALGI investment

DISCLAIMERS: 중앙일보는 이 광고에 대한 내용을 보증하지 않으며, 이 광고와 관련하여 발생하는 개인의 모든 손실과 손해에 대하여 어떠한 책임도 지지 않습니다. 이 광고를 본 후 결정한 판단에 대한 책임은 이용자 본인에게 있습니다.
