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조회수 : 3,346

작성자 Vrbusiness0198
이메일 artesiavrbb@gmail.com
전화번호 562-402-2606
홈페이지 bizbizbiz.com
보유매물 보유매물 : 76


세금보고 대행업체 - Franchise Tax Service, 8 Units, SoCal Territory $1,500,000
지역 San Bernardino/ CA 등록일 07-07-2023
구분 사업체 형태 기타
가격 $1,500,000


건물면적 - 리스기간 0
월매상 $125,000 렌트비 -
순익 $33,000 유틸리티 -
수익율 - 주차장 0 자리

Established franchise tax service with 6 exclusive territories in Southern California includes 8 office locations (rolling into 7 by year end).

Mostly seasonal business with staff, leases, and favorable franchise agreements.

This is one of the leading tax preparation franchises with national brand recognition, offers millions of customers more than just help with their taxes.

One office location is open year round offering services such as bookkeeping, credit repair and tax debt resolution.

Other 7 locations are open only during tax season 4 months of the year.

Franchise offers innovative products, technology and marketing, this is a turn-key opportunity.

Franchise is a portfolio holding of a publicly traded company.

Over 2500 units across USA and Canada.

Franchise Training is a one-week intensive course and continues with different training modules in sales, marketing and tax preparation throughout the year.

Royalty 14% plus Advertising 5%, Franchise Transfer Fee of all 6 Territories $30,000.

VR Business Brokers

한국어  (562) 402-2606



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