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부동산 정보
POWER 리커 LA 한인타운 - Liquor Store - 12 Years in Business - Retiring
등록일 : 04-15-2024 조회수 : 252 관심매물

부동산 정보 $299,000

지역 : Los Angeles/CA
구분 : 사업체 형태 : 리커/마켓
가격 $299,000
건물면적 : 1800 sq ft 리스기간 : -
월매상 : $50,000 렌트비 : $5,500
순익 : $6,500 유틸리티 : -
수익율 : - 주차장 : -

This well-established liquor store is ideally situated in the vibrant neighborhood of Koreatown.

It boasts a loyal customer base from the surrounding community.

After 12 years of successful operation and hands-on management alongside dedicated employees, the current owner has decided to retire.

This presents a fantastic opportunity for a new owner to take over a thriving business in a bustling area.

Monthly Avg gross: $50,000

Monthly rent: $5,500

Lease terms: 5 / 2@3 years option.

Store size: 1,800 sf.

Open hours: 9am-11pm

Employees: 2pt

Wage: $3,000/mo.

Extra income: $2,000 lottery, $150 atm.

Financing: cash only

한국어:  조나단 황  (714) 510-0248

VR Business Brokers



(562) 402-2606

회사 정보


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