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구인 정보
누구 얿소 ?
등록일 : 08-31-2024 조회수 : 122 관심글


직종 : 마케팅 근무형태 : Freelancer
경력 : 무관 연봉/급여 : 협의

누구 얿소 ?

Anyone who makes my proposal successful with DOI of United States will share 30 % or more of my profit, so please contact me if anyone want to. I will not pay you any monies until succeed the proposal

But I will help you with  technical principles and engineer 

Anyone who makes my proposal successful with DOI of United States is that ) i heard that currently, the Internal Department of USA is promoting a satellite surveillance system worth 30,000,000.00 dollars, and the basic budget of 30,000,000.00 dollars has been secured, but  i think it is  judged that it is impossible to detect wildfires 100% early in the United States with dense forests, so if the Internal Department of USA connects the satellite surveillance system worth 30,000,000.00 dollars with our system, forest fire damage in the United States is expected to almost disappear in the future, so we are currently preparing a PROPOSAL to the Internal Department of USA for connectivity between our system and satellite which are successful, properties human casualties from wildfires will be reduced more than 80%. this means it is perfect system for preventing wildfire of USA for a while

회사 정보

The Eagle technology

  • 작성자 :eagletom
  • 이메일 :999propertygroup@gmail.com 지원하기

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