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구인 정보
IT Helpdesk 직원 구합니다.
등록일 : 03/08/2024 조회수 : 317 관심글


지역 : Los Angeles/CA
직종 : IT/컴퓨터 근무형태 : Full time
경력 : 신입 연봉/급여 : 협의

LA 다운타운 근처에 위치한 Manufacturing 회사에서 IT Helpdesk 직원을 모집합니다.


Job Responsibilities:


  • Computer H/W, S/W 관리
  • Server, Network, printers 관리
  • Windows OS, Mac OS Update  유지 관리
  • Technical assistance 제공



  • 0-3 years equivalent work experience and/or college diploma or university degree in the field of computer science
  • Working knowledge of fundamental operations of relevant software, hardware, and other equipment
  • Experience with Windows operating system
  • Experience supporting Microsoft Office applications
  • Working technical knowledge of network security principles, current network hardware, protocols, and Internet standards
  • Bilingual: Korean and English speaker



Position : IT Helpdesk

근무지: Los Angeles

근무 형태정규직

근무 요일: Mon-Fri


급여 : $20-$25

혜택 : 의료 치과 보험 


지원 방법

Please email your resume to helpdesk@losangelesapparel.net


궁금하신  있으시면 연락 주세요.



회사 정보

Los Angeles Apparel

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